Running Faster:
Insights to power a challenger brand

A once little-known athletic footwear brand was beginning to challenge two category giants. To succeed in this environment, there was a need to precisely define an expanded customer target across global markets, while not alienating their core audience. The brand sought a strategic and agile partner to bring consumer insight to their global cross-functional teams.


Vital Findings designed an integrated program of four research initiatives.

  • A global segmentation to focus audience strategy for brand and product teams
  • Immersive and experiential events to create customer empathy and understanding
  • A global tracking system to gauge brand and market dynamics
  • Ideation and Co-Creation to bring designers and customers together to generate new product ideas grounded in consumer interests and needs.


After four years of implementation, the research program now represents an integral input to seasonal planning, marketing, and innovation. The brand has continued to flourish and create a distinct identity in both new and existing markets. In a hyper competitive category, market share has grown and the brand has become a familiar presence on trails, tracks, streets, and stadiums.