VIDEO: Watch Our Influencer Research Webinar

Missed our webinar with Deckers Brands (UGG, Hoka, Teva) but want to learn more about how you can use influencers in your research?  Full session video available below! Want to learn more about how you can use influencers to supercharge your insights?  Email us here.

How To Use Influencers in Research: Three Case Studies

Influencers are driving and amplifying trends, but most researchers aren’t using them for research. We’ve found that this is mainly for two reasons:  Researchers aren’t sure where to start Researchers still have misconceptions about influencers’ authenticity We put together three case studies of how leading edge brands are using influencers for market research to give…

Influencers: A Hidden Gem in Market Research

Our new white paper is packed with actionable insights on harnessing influencers in market research. While influencers are often viewed primarily as a marketing channel, many brands are now leveraging their insights to predict trends and identify lead users. In this white paper, we share compelling case studies, including how UGG uses influencer-driven insights to…

Getting to Truly Authentic Insights with Immersive Qual

By Kelly Pellico Have you ever been asked by a doctor, nutritionist or personal trainer about your eating habits, only to omit the daily muffin you inhale, or the gelato you frequently indulge in?  Well, if you’re at all like me, it’s likely your vulnerability and self-protective instincts have you polishing your rough edges whenever…


We recently had the pleasure of partnering with Deckers Brands for presentations at CRC, The Quirk’s Event and Qual 360 that shared our path from insight to the co-creation of HOKA’s next generation running shoe. We’re passionate about co-creating products and services that propel brands forward, and have created a list of must-haves to ensure…

Storytelling 360: Great Stories Start BEFORE the Research, And Don’t End With The Report

The most effective insights stories hook your audience long before the research starts, and continue after you deliver your report.  Vital Findings’ Storytelling 360 approach creates stories that resonate more deeply and are more impactful by leveraging engagement strategies before, during and after the research.  In this case study with diabetes tech company Dexcom from…

How to Deliver a Killer Storytelling Presentation

Stop simply reporting on data and start leveraging storytelling to inspire action by downloading our latest Tip Sheet, How to Deliver a Killer Storytelling Presentation. When you download this Tip Sheet, you’ll learn: The 4 elements that are critical to storytelling success How to include each element in your next presentation How you can leverage…

Learn the Gold Standard for Actionable Segmentation

We leveraged our experience conducting dozens of segmentations across industries to create our 12 best ideas for activating a segmentation. From designing a multi-dimensional quant segmentation, bringing it to life with qualitative, and activating with visual deliverables and workshops, these tips will help you make the most of your segmentation. Download tip sheet