8 Ways to Reach Niche Audiences

By Guest Writer   Asking the right questions of the right people. That’s the heart of research. For some studies, like market-sizing, a general audience is critical to the work. But in much of what we do at Vital Findings, niche audiences are required to effectively answer the business question at hand.  People with diabetes,…

6 Ways to Socialize Your Insights

By Kelly Pellico   In our last blog on the importance of simplicity, we touched on the complexity of today’s working culture; endless cycles of back-to-back meetings and exhaustion from our reliance on digital screens. According to research from Microsoft, our work calendars are out of hand. It’s reported that the heaviest Teams users spend…

Simplicity Is Key to Go From Insight to Impact

By Kelly Pellico Why are great business insights often not utilized? The primary reason is the way insights are delivered – in uneasy-to-digest formats that are difficult to comprehend. Though progress has been made over the past two decades, we’ve all heard the stories of 100 page reports with data dumped into overly complicated tables…

Getting to Truly Authentic Insights with Immersive Qual

By Kelly Pellico Have you ever been asked by a doctor, nutritionist or personal trainer about your eating habits, only to omit the daily muffin you inhale, or the gelato you frequently indulge in?  Well, if you’re at all like me, it’s likely your vulnerability and self-protective instincts have you polishing your rough edges whenever…